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  於評論、劇場與學術之外,近年創作作品並多次被選入「年度散文選」、「年度小說選」,並主編有《九十九年小說選》、《作家與海》台灣海洋書寫文集等。並主持廣播節目「文學居酒屋」,獲兩項金鐘獎入圍肯定。長篇小說《惑鄉之人》(2012),獲得第37屆金鼎獎文學創作獎。 最新長篇小說作品為《斷代》(2015)。



  Chiang-Sheng Kuo (April 15th, 1964-), A Taiwanese expert on English Literature, a Literary critic, a playwright, and the presenter of IC975. He graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University, and completed his Master and Doctor Degree at the National New York University. He is presently a Professor at the Department of English and the Graduate Institute of Creative Writing & English Literature at National Dong Hwa University.


        Chiang-Sheng Kuo began working on his first novel during his senior high school years and during his university years, he participated in many plays and dramas. After returning from USA, Professor Kuo felt that Taiwan's theater’s often undervalued texts and lack literariness. Kuo decided to influence a change in Taiwan’s theater and wrote his first success “The Desired,” which he directed with the cast, Shi-Ping Tsai, June Tsai, and Joseph Chang.

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